Saturday, May 14, 2011

Little, Loud, and Beautiful!

This is one of my favorite beautiful girls, Joy.  Joy has a rare genetic condition called Tricho-rhino-phalangeal Syndrome (TRPS).  People with TRPS have very small hands and feet, short fingers, a very slow growth rate, and sparse hair.  They have a significantly higher chance of developing joint problems and arthritis, and often have to have hips and other joints replaced at an early age.
  I bet, though, that out of those of you who know Joy personally, very few of you knew about her condition. Why?  Because of Joy's beautiful PERSONALITY!  I've had the privilege of knowing her since she was an infant, and she has always been extraordinary.  She's little, but she is loud, proud, and in CHARGE, and Joy is BEAUTIFUL!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Time Flies...A Beautiful Girl Graduates!

Even though this picture was just taken today and Aubrianah hasn't had a chance to work any of her magical editing on it, I couldn't wait.  This picture is worth a thousand words, and I know that every mother watching her little girl graduate from one of the four local colleges this weekend feels like this!  "What?  You are graduating?  But you are my BABY!"  And let me tell you, I'm betting the girls (and some of the boys) feel like this, too!  This little lady's mommy is going to be graduating soon herself...but before Mommy knows it it'll be baby J's turn!  Mom and baby J are both our graduating BEAUTIES!